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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Unit 4: Development syllabus requirements (EDEXCEL)

Development Economics – Syllabus requirements

  1. Evaluation of measures to promote growth and development
  2. Theories of growth and development
An extensive list of measures to promote growth and development is provided in the specification.
Students should understand the nature of each of these, and be able to evaluate them, remembering that different measures will be valid depending on the nature of the country requiring assistance (for example, degree of political stability/ corruption, or sophistication of transport and communication links).
There is significant debate regarding the impact of Fair Trade schemes, particularly with respect to the coffee market — much of the literature on this is available on the internet.
Students could be introduced to some of the theories of growth and development, such as Harrod-Domar, Solow, Rostow’s Stages of Growth, and the Lewis 2 — sector model.
The role of institutions such as the IMF could be considered, and the World Bank’s
Structural Adjustment Programmes (with reference to Uganda as the first ‘success’).
Able students could also consider whether growth and development is actually desirable, since it may be accompanied by a number of negative externalities.
The activities of pressure groups such as Jubilee 2000 could be examined. The dependence of countries such as Ethiopia on aid hand-outs and humanitarian relief could be evaluated as an example.
James - Jubilee 2000
Hazim - Uganda & SAP's
Holly - Fair trade & Coffee
Gabrielle - Evaluation of all models of growth
Amba - Millenium Development Goals
Abe - Aid Vs Trade (Ethiopia or country of your choice)
Connor - IMF & World Bank (effectiveness)


  1. Do you want us to write a summary piece on each of our topics?

  2. Absorbing.
