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Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Greece has turned its economy around!

Greece has entered a period of economic growth that puts it "among the best performers in the eurozone".
That rather striking judgement comes from the International Monetary Fund in a new report on the Greek economy.

Excellent news for Greece and excellent news for Emile. I will no longer use his mother country as an example of how not to run a country!!

Click here for the article.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Is capitalism on the way out?

An interesting piece by former Indian central bank governor Raghuram Rajan. He has warned that capitalism is "under serious threat" as it has stopped providing for the masses. Click here to access link

Do you agree?
Do you at least understand where he is coming from?

As a student of Economics, you must be able to look at articles and assess the merits of the argument.

Turkey falls into recession!

Click on this link to access a recent BBC article on how the Turkish economy is struggling. Lots of economics here.

What are the reasons behind the recession?
How would you solve it?
How long would it take?