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Thursday, 3 September 2009

Y10 Economics - Homework task

The economy is faced with three key questions that have to be answered

1. What goods and services should be produced? Should the economy focus on being self-sufficient or concentrate on what it is good at? Should it devote resources to health and education or defence and policing? Should we devote more resources to housing? Should an economy use resources producing goods that are essentially useless - like 'free' toys in cereal packets, football sticker cards and so on?

2. How should goods and services be produced? Should the economy use a system that is labour intensive, thereby ensuring everyone who wants a job has one, or should we use more efficient methods of production that involve the use of machines, even if this means more pollution and fewer jobs? Should we devote more land to production and thus solve some problems of feeding the population at the expense of encroaching into areas of natural beauty?

3. Who should get the resources that the economy has produced? Should an economy be geared to providing goods and services to every person as equally as possible or should those who work hard get more? How do we distribute our resources?

Your Task

• Make a list of answers to these questions - think of the answers in general terms rather than specifics, e.g. food, health, etc.

1. What should be produced?

2. How should these goods and services be produced?

3. Who should get what is produced?

Only spend 20 minutes or so on this and write your answers in your exercise books. Have a great weekend,

Mr B

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