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Sunday 24 March 2013

Unit 2 & 4: Gabrielle's nightmare - The Keynes word!

Thanks to James edwards for this article from the Guardian. George Osbourne (that's the Chancellor Abe) , faced with the failure of austerity policies, is about to quietly try out some rather interventionist ideas.



  1. It's *Gabriele: with 1 "l"
    The spending mentioned in the article are investments in technology eg: UK Aerospace Technology institute which to me still seems like a supply side initiative(which would anyways be achieve more efficently by the private sector ie: if we allowed Adam Smith's invisible hand to work it's magic!)
    Further, I would not consider what Osborne is doing as switching to Keynesianism but rather a failed attempt to control the fiscal objectives which he set out...
    there's a huge difference between a voluntary stimulus package and not being able to control the governments receipts and expenditure.

  2. Compelling.
