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Friday, 10 October 2014

Unit 4: Ebola virus and economics!

Hi from the Maldives! It's the last day of the holidays and although it's been awesome, I have always had an eye on the news. Today I was watching Al Jazeera and they were discussing the reasons behind the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa.

The hypothesis is that it is economics that has caused it (remember, bad economics kills more than any war ever will!).

In essence, the two big financial houses (both of which you will study and use for unit 4 essays), the IMF and the World Bank have been blamed for the outbreak for two differing reasons.

The IMF lends money to developing countries but with rules attached. Essentially, they cannot operate budget deficits to fund public programmes. As a result, hospitals and education have suffered as the govts have no money to spend, other than on infrastructure projects to benefit big business!

The World Bank lends money to private companies rather than public enterprises, therefore any hospitals that have been built are for the rich only!

Shocking in that it is the rich west that is killing innocent Africans, albeit indirectly. The head of the IMF suggested yesterday that their policy of not allowing budget deficits should be eased....some might say 'too little too late'.

 Click here for article

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